About the course

How can Big Data and Artificial Intelligens (AI) be used to optimize operations and maintenance in your company? In this course you will get the knowledge about what the difference of Artificial Intelligens (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) is and knowledge to:

  • know if Big Data and Machine Learning is something for your organization
  • what you need to be aware of when you buy from suppliers which claims they use Artificial Inteligence (AI)
  • start using the data you already have for e.g. Predictive Maintenance
  • convince your department or boss why you should start using data and Machine Learning

We will look into what is important when you use data and how Machine Learning works and give you a basic understanding about what is needed if you want to implement data-driven and proactive decisions in your company. In the course we will look into the classic miss steps a company can make when it starts using data and

Vi gennemgår, hvad der er vigtigt når I skal bruge data og hvordan Machine Learning fungerer, således du vil have en grundlæggende forståelse for, hvad der skal til, hvis I vil implementere datadrevne og proaktive beslutninger i jeres virksomhed. På kurset gennemgår vi nogle af de klassiske fejltrin, som kan opstå, når virksomheder forsøger sig med at benytte data og analyzes.


  • 09.00 Introduction to the course and participants
  • 09.15 What is Big Data and Right Data?
  • 10.00 Correlation and Causality - Which data is important?
  • 11.00 Anomalies and Aggregations
  • 11.45 Lunch
  • 12.20 What is Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • 13.15 Predictive Maintenance with Machine Learning
  • 14.10 How can Machine Learning help with your operations- and maintenanceproblem
  • 15.00 How can I convince others? And my boss?
  • 15.30 Thanks for today

* There must be a minimum of 5 participants before the course is held.

Course information
  • Location


  • Date

  • Language


  • Duration

    1 day

  • Price

    3000/4500 DKK