What can you expect from a Data & AI Assessment?

The assessment will provide a deep dive analysis of your current platform/solution compared to a desired platform/solution.

The Data & AI Assessment will look into the following areas:

  • Architecture of current platform / solution
  • Platform / Solution review
  • Review of the available source code
  • Review of available documentation
  • Review of underlying services for running the platform / solution

The outcome

In the end, you will be provided with a summary of the key findings. An AI camp will help your company build up sufficient knowledge about data, machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI) in order to successfully launch a pilot project utilizing machine learning with the right data that will impact your business.

Phase 1


A dive deep into the architecture of the current platform/solutions and will involve investigating how the architecture is designed. For this, Neurospace will deliver 2 Datanauts that will be dedicated throughout the entire assessment.

Further Assistance

The Datanauts will together cover the following competences and roles:

  • Software and Platform Architecture
  • Data Engineering
  • Machine Learning Engineering
  • Cloud / Platform Engineering

Phase 2


A look into available source code and mapping of processes. The expected timeline is 30 days, with a report delivered on day 30.

Neurospace will be happy to facilitate a meeting where questions about the report can be discussed.

Phase 3

Discoveries & Future Missions

You will be provided with findings in the form of reports, diagrams, and presentations. This phase will deliver results in different abstraction levels focusing on:


concrete tools, techniques & processes

gears and tools

abstract thinking & mindset

Further assistance

You will be provided with a plan that will help you prioritize which points to prioritize. Neurospace will offer estimates for implementing these improvements on request.

  • MUST
    These findings must be fixed right away.

    These findings should be prioritized and on the delivery plan.

    These findings could be fixed if they are in the way of technical capabilities or there is work done in that technical area.

Our Clients Say...


The AI Camp gave us insight into what Machine Learning is, and how it can create value. During the process we gained the knowledge required to begin a machine learning project in our company


Jens Rishøj Skov

Kredsløb A/S


We had high expectations for the AI camp, including learning about machine learning and a common understanding of an optimization task that affects several heat production plants in Copenhagen, in order to get cheap district heating for our customers. The AI camp proved that there is a clear opportunity for optimization and we are confident in the results of the analysis. Neurospace has been quite committed, and has been good at asking about correlations, in order to get an understanding of the problem. CTR is ready to continue working with the pilot project, as our goals with the AI Camp have been fully met.


Michal Brahm Thomsen



The AI Camp concept fits perfectly into our innovation agenda, where we need new technology and people to work together. In the process, we have become wiser about optimizations in production and gained an understanding of how machine learning can solve these in collaboration with our employees. The AI Camp process solves this perfectly. We are extremely satisfied and achieved all our goals with the AI Camp.


Martin Jørgensen

Danish Crown A/S


We are a mixed department of both IT experts and laypeople. Despite the varying levels of expertise on the subject, all participants have gained a better understanding of what AI and ML are, how to ensure collecting the right data, and where it makes sense to use these technologies. Additionally, both Maria and Bo from Neurospace are extremely professional and pleasant instructors.


Martin Lauritzen

Green Energy Scandinavia A/S


We have been introduced to the new world of machine learning by Neurospace. Their AI Camp provides a good basic understanding of machine learning and data. At Nordic Sugar Nakskov, we have gained an understanding of why it is important to examine correlations systematically instead of limiting the usage of sensors and measurements based on gut feelings.


Anders Juul-Jørgensen

Nordic Sugar A/S


If your company has a data-driven system, I highly recommend an AI camp with Neurospace. You will receive a lot of information and enthusiasm for machine learning, as well as the opportunity to use it in your own production process. Neurospace is very honest about both the many possibilities and the many challenges that can come with using machine learning. Expectations were high, but they were justified and more than expected. AI camp is a day full of dialogue, learning, and opportunities.


Halil Hasanov Halilov

Aalborg Portland A/S