Artificial Intelligence In Practice

Get inspired by how others have utilized data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve business. Use AI to:

  • Optimize Processes
  • Reduce energy consumption
  • Reduce overproduction

Read our customer cases below

Forecasting models

Forecasting models use data to predict future outcomes or trends. Their applications extend across diverse fields like finance, business, utility industry and more.

We specialize in making good forecasting models, and focus particularly on business cases where predictions can lead to optimization, and thus a positive impact on the climate.

Estimating Remaining Useful Life on a Steam Lock


Estimating the remaining useful life of a steam deck.

Use historical breakdowns to estimate when a new breakdown will occur, thus making it possible to plan maintenance outside of critical production hours.

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OWLS - Optimal Vacuum Vapour Level Setpoint

Nordic Sugar

Reduce energy consumption by utilizing cycle time on Crystallization equipment, and use a more energy efficient steam when possible.

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Predicting Optimal Temperature in the Transmission System


The goal of this project is to investigate whether a machine learning model can predict the optimal supply temperature, so that the universal service obligation is sustained, while at the same time reducing the supply temperature. 

The two created machine learning models for this project makes it possible for CTR to: 

  • predict optimal supply temperature 12 hours into the future
  • increase efficiency in spring and autumn, when the weather is particularly changeable
  • sustain their universal service obligation
  • potentially reduce the supply temperature by an average of 5.4 degrees
  • supply a greener and more climate-neutral district heating
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Predicting Unwanted Situations in the Transmission System - Kredsløb


Estimating the probability of unwanted situations will occur in the transmission system, within the next 12 hours period.

The model creates an alarm system to operators in control room, who will take the final decision

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Computer Vision

Computer Vision aims to derive meaningful information from images and videos that can be used for both classifications and predictions.

Optimize Quality Control with Computer Vision - Danish Crown

butcher with roast pork

The overall quality of roast pork is already commendable, but there is a desire to continuously enhance and refine its quality. Customers have an expectation that the fat layer of roast pork should be consistently uniform. However, achieving this uniformity can be challenging due to the natural variation that exists among individual pigs.

As part of an extended AI Camp, we have taken pictures of roast porks with low-budget hardware and prepared a Machine Learning model that can predict the quality of the roast porks.

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Our Clients Say...


The AI Camp gave us insight into what Machine Learning is, and how it can create value. During the process we gained the knowledge required to begin a machine learning project in our company


Jens Rishøj Skov

Kredsløb A/S


We had high expectations for the AI camp, including learning about machine learning and a common understanding of an optimization task that affects several heat production plants in Copenhagen, in order to get cheap district heating for our customers. The AI camp proved that there is a clear opportunity for optimization and we are confident in the results of the analysis. Neurospace has been quite committed, and has been good at asking about correlations, in order to get an understanding of the problem. CTR is ready to continue working with the pilot project, as our goals with the AI Camp have been fully met.


Michal Brahm Thomsen



The AI Camp concept fits perfectly into our innovation agenda, where we need new technology and people to work together. In the process, we have become wiser about optimizations in production and gained an understanding of how machine learning can solve these in collaboration with our employees. The AI Camp process solves this perfectly. We are extremely satisfied and achieved all our goals with the AI Camp.


Martin Jørgensen

Danish Crown A/S


We are a mixed department of both IT experts and laypeople. Despite the varying levels of expertise on the subject, all participants have gained a better understanding of what AI and ML are, how to ensure collecting the right data, and where it makes sense to use these technologies. Additionally, both Maria and Bo from Neurospace are extremely professional and pleasant instructors.


Martin Lauritzen

Green Energy Scandinavia A/S


We have been introduced to the new world of machine learning by Neurospace. Their AI Camp provides a good basic understanding of machine learning and data. At Nordic Sugar Nakskov, we have gained an understanding of why it is important to examine correlations systematically instead of limiting the usage of sensors and measurements based on gut feelings.


Anders Juul-Jørgensen

Nordic Sugar A/S


If your company has a data-driven system, I highly recommend an AI camp with Neurospace. You will receive a lot of information and enthusiasm for machine learning, as well as the opportunity to use it in your own production process. Neurospace is very honest about both the many possibilities and the many challenges that can come with using machine learning. Expectations were high, but they were justified and more than expected. AI camp is a day full of dialogue, learning, and opportunities.


Halil Hasanov Halilov

Aalborg Portland A/S